Valley Flyer Virtual

Your local Valley bus company...

Your local Valley bus company...

Valley Flyer Virtual Bus Company (VFVBC) or just known as Valley Flyer Virtual, is a virtual bus company for the game "OMSI 2" based off the company of the same name.

Valley Flyer was the trading name of Cityline (NZ) Ltd, a subsidiary company of NZ Bus. As of July 2018, the name "Valley Flyer" is no longer used, but its legacy will live on in the virtual world.

Where do we operate?

Our main operations are in Berlin - Spandau, running on the routes 137 and N33 in Valley Flyer and BVG branded buses.

We have recently been appointed by the Devon County Council to be operator of a select number of routes in the Westcountry area between Stoneley and Paignton, as well as providing assistance when requested by NBC Devon for events and other occasions.